Robla Elementary School

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Bomb Threat - Hoax

Attention Parents
The Robla School District received a bomb threat today, April 13. I received the email, and it did not specify a school. The district has been working closely with the Sacramento Police Department to investigate the threat. We are grateful for their immediate response.
All Robla schools were swept for explosives before the start of the school day by our staff, police officers and dogs. The Police Department’s experience with this kind of threat has helped us feel confident that our students and staff are not in danger and school will function as usual today. Police officers will be present at all schools until the start of the school day to ensure that we are all safe and that nothing out of the ordinary is taking place.
We will continue to monitor our campuses closely and stay in contact with the Sacramento Police Department. The safety of our students and staff is our highest priority and we will do everything necessary to keep everyone out of danger today and every school day.
Ruben Reyes
Source: Ruben Reyes, Superintendent